
YouTube has some videos you really should look at. After being fitted with hearing aids, a 7-month-old baby hears his mother’s voice for the first time. His smile is enough to bring tears to your eyes.

Videos like this one are numerous online. You feel like you’re part of that special event that the child is sharing with their doctors and parents.

The baby doesn’t always take to the idea of having hearing aids put in at first. When the doctor tries to put the hearing aids in the baby’s ears, they resist and fight. Sometimes, before they smile with joy, they cry. They are overwhelmed by a range of emotions. They’re not certain what’s going on. But in the end, with revived hearing, the world immediately opens up for them.

They beam with happiness, but that life-changing event can happen to anyone.

Does the idea of wearing hearing aids make you anxious? You’re not by yourself. People of all ages can be a little anxious about this.

Let’s explore how people of all ages may cry tears of joy when they wear their hearing aid.

The Sound of Music

You might not have even recognized the issues. It developed so gradually. You don’t listen to music anymore. It just didn’t seem as fun anymore. At times, it was even grating. Turning it up made it even worse.

The volume you hear isn’t the only thing that is effected by hearing loss. It impacts how you hear different pitches and notes.

Music is, as every musician knows, a wonderful blend of sound frequencies that blend together to produce the sound that we hear as…., well, music. it just isn’t the same if you can’t hear the subtle complexity of the music.

But wait, now you put your new hearing aid in. All of a sudden you can hear those tones again. The power of music is back in your life. You had lost that pleasure in your life, but now you have it back.

A Child’s Laughter

Do you remember the sound of a child’s laughter? Maybe your hearing loss has caused you to forget this wonderful experience.

Rediscover these wonderful moments with your grandchildren by restoring your hearing.

The Beautiful Sounds of Nature

Have you forgotten that dozens of birds live in your yard? There are hundreds if you walk in the park. While some of their chirps are more pleasing than others, it’s something you may not appreciate until they’ve gone.

Except they haven’t gone. These beautiful sounds of nature once greatly enhanced your life, but now you can’t hear them because of your hearing loss.

But when you wear your hearing aids those delightful sounds of nature come back to enhance your life once more.

Relationships Restored

Relationships can be substantially stressed by untreated hearing loss. People get frustrated. They misunderstand. They tend to argue more. Frequently, in order to not feel like a burden, people with hearing loss will go into isolation.

They frequently feel all alone and disconnected from other’s conversations causing them to avoid going out to dinner or other social activities.

Have you given up hobbies because they’re not as enjoyable?

Your relationship with family and friends will be renewed by the simple act of using hearing aids.

Get accustomed to talking to each other again. Have long conversations. Get back to doing the things you love and being with people you love.

It’s time to think about hearing aids particularly if you miss these things.

Assurance That You’re Safe in Your Home

Does what you can’t hear make you feel anxious? If a loved one was injured and calling for help in another room, would you be able to hear them? Could you hear the doorbell, timer on the oven, or smoke detector? Perhaps you would miss a crucial phone call because you couldn’t hear it ring.

What about oncoming traffic when you walk around the neighborhood, or a bicycle bell, or a pedestrian signal? Are you certain that you can hear these important signals?

There are places where we should feel totally safe but because of these “what ifs” we don’t.

But you can feel more at ease and enjoy life more when you use your hearing aids. You’ll experience peace of mind.

You May Not Realize What You’re Missing

Hearing loss advances slowly in most cases. It’s possible that you don’t even recall how much you enjoyed things before your hearing started to decline.

You’ll be shocked when you suddenly hear them again. You’ll regret letting it go this long. If you don’t believe your hearing loss is that severe, it’s time to get it checked. Schedule a hearing test and find out what you’ve been missing.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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